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Registriert: 16. Dez 2008 19:57
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Bitte um Hilfe

Beitrag von anbo »

Hallo, tut mir Leid wenn ich noch so spät da bin, aber ich arbeit leider solange und hab heute herausgefunden das wir wahrscheinlich ein summary über einen Text schreiben sollen (250 Wörter) und der Lehrer überprüft nur die Fehler also ist die Zusammenfassung an sich eher unwichtig. Nur Grammatik und Rechtschreibung ist wichtig.
Danke für jeden, der helfen kann.

Robot Rhonis the nursing stuff who never complain
A College has the first human robot in Niederrhein. His name is Rhoni. A company has built him in Thuringia. The company’s name is H&S-Robots. Students should teach walking to the robot. So they can adopt the robot to helps elderly people
Rhoni is 1.80 meter large. He has sensor eyes and can a lot. But he can’t walk. He misses his legs. Schaefer is the father. He said walking is the most difficult part. But Rhoni has a walking-trainer. So he can move without losing his balance. Otherwise Schaefer said to teach walking is a big challenge for engineers and programmers. So he hopes for the students in Krefeld. The professors Hans-Jürgen Buxbaum, Markus Kleutges and Ulrich Hemmert attend to the students.
And the big moment is coming, where the advisers remove Rhoni’s walking-trainer. And Rhoni walks the first step alone and is on a watch. But until to this moment, Rhoni is on an actuator-platform. Rhoni is with it mobile although he hasn’t legs. So you can move it form computer to computer or analyzer to analyzer for tests. Professor Kleutges said, the human robot is developed for the activities in maintenance area and health care. Rhoni should helps to get up and to dress up. Otherwise he can bring the food and can drive the dweller form station do station. In many areas robots can help nursing staff. Rhonis exterior will be like the robots in the movie ‘I robot’.

Mfg Anbo
