Report about the great Bavaria.

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Report about the great Bavaria.

Beitrag von M.F. »

This is the first part of a report. It will be great if anybody correct it. Thank you very much.

First part of 5 or 6.

The "Bayern" was mentioned (erwähnd) the first time 15 v. Chr. (vor Chr.???) as the Romens (Römer) toke over the regions until the river Donau. Only a little part of the population satyed.
The Romans called these. The BOIERN. Free translated meaned this: small grew thiefy nation (kleinwüchsiges diebisches Volk)

Bilingual Newbie
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Registriert: 6. Dez 2008 10:45
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Beitrag von MichaelK »

I would rather write it like this:

The "Bayern" was mentioned for the first time in 15 BC (abbreviation for "before Christ"; AD stands for "Anno Domini", that is after Christ) v. Chr. as the Romans captured toke over (by the way: it is took over) the regions until the river Donau. Only a little part of the population stayed.
The Romans called them the "BOIERN". Free translated meaned this: small grown thievish nation.

Nevertheless it would be better, if a moderator checked the text for mistakes, too.


Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 12. Nov 2008 20:16
Muttersprache: Deutsch

The maitree tradition of Bavaria... :-))))))

Beitrag von M.F. »

The Bavarian year starts with an old and popular tradition.
A maytree is a with wreathes and sights of typical things of the local government decorated trunk (Baumstamm).
By the choosing of the tree it will imitated Amercan habits. That is as higher as better.
The maytree should set up at the end of January or latest at beginning of February. It is thought as a kind of village celebration comparable with a city festival which do a town every (every or each- maybe anybody could repeat the difference of these words for me please) year.
After the difficultly set up the tree have to guarded until the morning of the second Mai.
In this time the neighbourhoods are allowed to steal this tree under two conditions.
The first is no violence. Is the tree still in the village of the owner the guarder take notice of the theft and put his hand on the trunk the tree have to give back.
If the neighbourhood had stolen the tree, the owner village have to buy the tree back with bear.
An other tradition of the great maytree celebration is the maytree estimate. It is each inhabitant of the village allowed to estimate the high of the tree. The best estimate wins. You could imagine that is a big problem if you drunken hand in your tip and on the next morning anybody congratulate you and say that you have to pick up the 32 metres high tree latest until the end of the week.
The great maytree celebration starts on the first May. The morning begins with Frühschoppen which going to tell you later. At noon the childs of the village do a traditional Schuhplattler around the tree.

It would be great If anybody corrected it.
