Wichtig! Bitte korrigieren!

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Bilingual Newbie
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Registriert: 14. Sep 2008 13:31
Muttersprache: deutsch

Wichtig! Bitte korrigieren!

Beitrag von Nicky »

wir mussten in Englisch einen Text über die Entwicklung der Fortbewegungsmittel schreiben.
Da ich in Englisch leider nicht so gut bin, wäre es gut wenn sich jemand mal meinen Text durchlesen und korrigieren könnte (grammatisch,sprachlich) da er eingesammelt und benotet wird.

Ich sag schon mal Danke! :)


The text is about the development of the progressive movement means from the early century to today.

Before the development began was it people only possible trough runs oneself to move later then also with the assistance of the horses.
As it then already in the year 4000 v.Chr, to the development of the wheel came, the progressive movement means was facilitated for the people.
In the following thousands of years it was now possible for the people to build and used carriages and cars, which always developed themselves further and improved. Thus it came to the emergence of steam vehicles. Now it was possible to move even problem-free over longer distances.
An advancement of these vehicles was the steam engine. It connected the larger cities and was a great advantage for the economy in addition for the people. The successors of the steam vehicles were vehicles with engines. These represented a large relief for humans. Also the today’s cars are vehicles with petrol- or diesel engines. However one looks today due to the environment, for alternative to these engines. The railway changed itself over in the course of the time to current and/or to fuel, too. Among the newest inventions rank are the airplane and the rocket.
The airplane makes possible within a short time to put back long distances comfortably. Beyond that the rocket makes a visiting possible of other planets.

The development of the progressive movement means is of enormous importance. The progressive movement means have take up a large rule in our society and are for a lot of people unthinkable.

Topic Talker
Beiträge: 70
Registriert: 13. Nov 2008 18:28
Muttersprache: Deutsch
Wohnort: Vienna, AT

Beitrag von Mra »

„vor Christus“ heißt auf Englisch „BC“ - eine Abkürzung für „Before Christ“.

Den Rest will ich dir nicht neu schreiben, denn deine Arbeit musst du schon selbst schreiben.

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 14. Sep 2008 13:31
Muttersprache: deutsch

bitte korriegieren (Überarbeiteter Text)

Beitrag von Nicky »

Ich habe den Text nocheinmal überarbeitet. Wäre schön wenn ihn trotzdem nocheinmal jemand korrigeieren würd, da er eingesammelt und benotet wird.

Vielen Dank


bin mir nicht sicher ob man Fortbewegungsmittel mit movement means überstezen kann.

The text is about the development of the movement means from the early century to today.

Before the development began it was for the people only possible to move trough runs later then with the help of the horses, too.
In the year 4000 B.C., it came to the development of the wheel. The wheel made the moving of the people easier.
In the following thousands of years it was for the people possible to build and used carriages and cars, which always developed further and improved themselves.
So it came to the development of steam vehicles. Now, it was possible to move over longer distances without problems.
A further development of these vehicles was the steam engine. It connected the larger cities and it was a great advantage for the economy in addition for the people.
The successors of the steam vehicles were vehicles with engines. These represented a large relief for humans. The cars from today are vehicles with petrol- or diesel engines, too. However one looks today for alternative to these engines, because of the environment.
Also the railway changed itself in the course of time to current or to fuel. Some of the newest inventions are the airplane and the rocket.
The airplane makes it possible to cover comfortably a long distances in a short time. Beyond that the rocket makes it possible to visit other planets.

The development of the movement means is very important. They have take up a large rule in our society and are for a lot of people unthinkable.

Topic Talker
Beiträge: 70
Registriert: 13. Nov 2008 18:28
Muttersprache: Deutsch
Wohnort: Vienna, AT

Beitrag von Mra »

Arbeite den ganzen Text noch einmal durch. Welches Wörterbuch hast du denn verwendet?

Wenn ich deinen einleitenden Satz lese, finde ich bereits zwei Verbesserungen:


Schau also auch jedes Wort nach, wo du dir nicht sicher bist. Und nicht nur einzelne Wörter, sondern auch ganze Phrasen.

English Legend
Beiträge: 4797
Registriert: 30. Jul 2008 11:20
Muttersprache: Deutsch
Wohnort: Borough of Gateshead

Beitrag von Keswick »


Ernsthaft, so kannst du das leider nicht abgeben. Wann muss es denn eingereicht werden? Wenn du noch Zeit hast, dann kriegen wir das zusammen schon hin :).
Bitte keine Korrektur- / Erklärungsanfragen per PN.
British English (BE) Sprecher.

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 14. Sep 2008 13:31
Muttersprache: deutsch

Beitrag von Nicky »

Es wäre echt lieb von euch wenn ihr mir helfen könntet, weil ich in dem überarbeiten Text eigentlich keine Fehler mehr finden kann bzw. ich sie nicht sehe auch wenn da bestimmt noch ne Menge drin sind.
Vielleicht könnt ihr mir sagen was noch falsch ist. ich muss den Text diesen Donnerstag abgeben brauch ihn also bis Mittwochabend.

Den Anfangssatz würde ich jetzt so überstezen

The text is about the development of the means of transportation from the early century to this day.

English Legend
Beiträge: 4797
Registriert: 30. Jul 2008 11:20
Muttersprache: Deutsch
Wohnort: Borough of Gateshead

Beitrag von Keswick »

Per PN helfe ich aus dem Grund nicht, da andere ja auch etwas lernen sollen. Also helfe ich hier im Faden, okay?
Nicky hat geschrieben:The text is about the development of the means of transportation from the early century welches Jahrhundert? Oder meinst du die Fruehzeit? to this day.

Before the development began it was only possible for the people only possible to move trough runs later then with the help of the horses, too. Ich weiss leider nicht, was du damit sagen willst. Wie ist der deutsche Satz?
In the year 4000 BC, it came to the development of the wheel the wheel was developed. The wheel made the moving of the mobility for people easier.
In the following thousands of years it was became possible for the people possible to build and used carriages and cars, which always constantly developed further and improved themselves.
So it came to the development of steam vehicles. Now, it was possible to move travel over longer distances without problems.
A further development of these vehicles was the steam engine. Siehe oben, steam vehicles. Waere besser, wenn du beide Entwicklungen in einen Absatz setzen wuerdest. It connected the larger cities and it was a great advantage for the economy in addition for the people. Was meinst du hier?
The successors of the steam vehicles were vehicles with engines. Welche Arten von Motoren? These represented a large were a big relief for humans. Warum? The cars from today are vehicles with petrol or diesel engines, too. However one looks today for alternative to these engines, because of the environment. However alternatives are being looked into because of the environment.
Also the railway changed itself in the course of time to current or to fuel. Some of the newest inventions are the airplane and the rocket.
The airplane makes it possible to comfortably cover a long distances in a short time. Beyond that the rocket makes it possible to visit other planets.

The development of the means of transportation is very important. The means of transportation have taken up ... a large rule in our society and are for a lot of people unthinkable.Was meinst du?
Ueberarbeite den text nochmal so schnell es geht, ich guck ihn mir dann gerne noch mal an. Bis Donnerstag schaffen wir das schon.
Bitte keine Korrektur- / Erklärungsanfragen per PN.
British English (BE) Sprecher.

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 14. Sep 2008 13:31
Muttersprache: deutsch

Beitrag von Nicky »

The text is about the development of the means of transportation from the early century meine die Frühzeit to this day.

Before the development began it was only possible for people to move trough runs later then with the help of the horses, too.

Deutscher Satz: Bevor die Entwicklung der Fortbewegungsmittel begannen war es für die Menschen nur möglich sich durch laufen fortzubewegen später dann auch mit Hilfe der Pferde
In the year 4000 BC, the wheel was developed. The wheel made mobility for people easier.

In the following thousands of years it became possible for the people to build and use carriages and cars, which constantly developed further and improved.
So it came to the development of steam vehicles. Now, it was possible to move travel over longer distances without problems.
A further development of these vehicles was the steam vehicles. It connected the larger cities and it was a great advantage for the economy in addition for the people.

Ich meine damit ,dass es nicht nur eine Erleichterung für die Wirtschaft sondern auch für die Menschen war.
The successors of the steam vehicles were vehicles with engines.-->KraftstoffmotorenThese were a big relief for humans.
Warum?Weil es ein großer Fortschritt und bequemer war.
The cars today are vehicles with petrol or diesel engines, too. However alternatives are being looked into because of the environment.
Also the railway changed in the course of time to current or to fuel. Some of the newest inventions are the airplane and the rocket.
The airplane makes it possible to comfortably cover long distances in a short time. Beyond that the rocket makes it possible to visit other planets.

The development of the means of transportation is very important. The means of transportation have taken up ... a large rule in our society and are for a lot of people unthinkable.
Meine hier das die Fortbewegungsmittel für viele Menschen undenkbar sind das sie ein Leben ohne diese nicht vorstellen könnten.

English Legend
Beiträge: 4797
Registriert: 30. Jul 2008 11:20
Muttersprache: Deutsch
Wohnort: Borough of Gateshead

Beitrag von Keswick »

Nicky hat geschrieben:The text is about the development of the means of transportation from the Stoneage/early times to this day. Du findet eine genaue Liste der Zeitabschnitte auf Wiki

Before the development of the means of transportation set off, there were only two ways to move: by foot and later by horse.
In the year 4000 BC, the wheel was developed. The wheel made mobility for people easier.

In the following thousands of years it became possible for the people to build and use carriages and cars, which constantly developed further and improved.
So it came to the development of steam vehicles. Now, it was possible to move travel over longer distances without problems.
A further development of these vehicles was the steam vehicles. It connected the larger cities and it was a great advantage for the economy in addition for the people.

It connected the larger cities and it was a great advantage for the economy as well as for the people.
The successors of the steam vehicles were vehicles with engines. Being a substantial progress, these were a big relief for humans, making life more comfortable.
The cars today are vehicles with petrol or diesel engines, too. However alternatives are being looked into because of the environment.
Also the railway changed in the course of time to current or to fuel. Some of the newest inventions are the airplane and the rocket.
The airplane makes it possible to comfortably cover long distances in a short time. Beyond that the rocket makes it possible to visit other planets.

The development of the means of transportation is very important. The means of transportation are commonplace in our society and life today is not imaginable without it.
Bitte keine Korrektur- / Erklärungsanfragen per PN.
British English (BE) Sprecher.

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 14. Sep 2008 13:31
Muttersprache: deutsch

Beitrag von Nicky »

vielen dank das ihr mir geholfen habt. das hat mir sehr geholfen.

danke schön
