Dringend!!! Vortrag über Buch

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Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 5. Okt 2008 13:03
Muttersprache: Deutsch/German

Dringend!!! Vortrag über Buch

Beitrag von skechers »

ich muss morgen (jap, ist sehr knapp in der Zeit) in Englisch einen Vortrag halten, der etwas mit dem Buch "Lord of the flies" zu tun hat, das wir gerade gelesen haben. Wär ganz nett, wenn jemand sich den Text nur mal eben durchlesen könnte und mir sagen könnte, bei was meine Klasse (die übrigens fast nur Muttersprachler sind) laut loslachen würde, wenn ich das so sage :mrgreen: Bitte daran denken, dass ich so tun muss, als wenn ich frei spreche, also nicht über manche sehr vereinfachte Formulierungen wundern :wink: Es sollten nur alle Wörter passen und Zeitformen richtig sein und so...
Vielen Dank, wär tollw enns bis morgen noch klappt! Ansonsten ist eine Verbesserung natürlich trotzdem erwünscht :)

Why Golding decided to take (kann man das so sagen?) boys for his novel, is clear. Firstly, one must consider that the book was written in 1954. Although by that time both boys and girls had the possibility to go to school regularly, it was still the case that the girls had to spend a lot of their free time doing domestic work. The majority of the girls had just a basic school education whilst the boys were encouraged to go for further education, university for instance. So generally the level of education for the boys was much higher than for the girls. Often boys gathered in scout groups where they could gain knowledge about basic survival skills. In the novel especially the way how they make the fire with Piggy’s glasses shows that they also have some of these skills. I don’t think that a few ten-year-old girls would have managed that. So probably Golding didn’t even consider writing about girls.

A group of girls would definitely have reacted differently in this situation. In the first chapter of the novel we can see how calm Piggy and Ralph respond in this traumatic situation (being lost on a deserted island without any adults) and how clearly they can still think. I guess that girls would have reacted much more excited and desperate. Most boys are mentally more stable than girls and would also rather try to hide their feelings (at least the older ones).
The older girls would already be in puberty and be vain and maybe discuss more so that the decision making would take even longer. In the novel, the boys are very motivated to go hunting but girls would rather be disgusted by all the blood and dissecting animals. Probably they would eat vegetarian. Often girls are more caring than boys (towards each other (passt das towards)) what means that they would look after each other and always worry about the other’s well-being. Especially the older girls would feel responsible for the younger girls.
