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Registriert: 12. Mai 2008 15:41
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Ich brauche Verbesserungsvorschläge! Wichtig!

Beitrag von jul.ja »

hallo (:,

ich brauch dringend verbessrungsvorschläge für mein current affair. Jeder Schüler muss in einer Politik und Wirtschafts Stunde ein Current Affair vorführen. Dazu hab ich jetzt einen Text geschrieben. Seht ihr irgendwelche Fehler oder bessere Ausdrucksweisen bzw Fehler in den Zeiten? Leider bin ich nich sooooo mega gut in Englisch dedwegen kann ich jede Hilfe gut gebrauchen (:.

Viele Dank schon im Voraus!

ps. findet ihr es zu kurz?

The German prosperity growth is in the fore

The private income in Germany will rise until 2017 more than in other industrial countries. The numbers of millionaires is also increasing.

For years Germany achieve more bad news and pessimistic prognoses than good ones.
But now good news appear: In the following years Germany (the only western nation) will increase their profit in prosperity. While Great Britain, France, Italy or Spain will decrease their position in the list of the richest private households until 2017, Germany will advance. That’s the result of a British study by order of the Barclays Bank. The research institute “Economist Intelligence Unit”, which belong to the economy magazine “The Economist”, developed an Index of the private prosperity. (“Household Wealth Index”). The Index established the entire prosperity of all private households of the particular countries. Moreover, today the USA forms the peak, followed by Japan, Great Britain, France and Italy.
In the following years the experts foreknow that there will be a noticeable displacement. Indeed, the USA and Japan will stay at the first position but the third place will form china, followed by Great Britain and Germany, which gain on France and Italy. In addition Germany is the only country among other western countries, which will improve the position. That is the result of the robust infrastructure, a strong industrial basis and high qualified manpower. Another cause is that the price of estate has not increase, in contrast to the neighbour countries. There is a margin upstairs, while in other countries the prices must decrease. As a result the experts see a rising private entire property and a growing number of millionaires in Germany.
