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Hallo ihr Lieben also ich kann nicht wirklich gut Englisch habe auch eine schlechte note und jetzt muss ich ein referat machen .Wenn sich jemand das mal anguckt und korrigiert würde ich mich sehr sehr freuen danke schon mal im Vorraus

Malcolm X

Malcolm X was born as Malcolm Little on 19th May 1935 in Omaha /Nebraska.
His father, Earl Little a Baptist minister, was president of the Omaha branch of UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) which wanted the African Americans to go back to Africa. Beside his three half-siblings which were from his father’s first marriage, Malcolm had three older and 4 younger brothers and sisters.
His Mother, Louise Norton Little was born in Grenada and she had a fair skin colour. Because of threatening of the Ku Klux Klan and especially Earl became death threats because of his UNIA membership. The Klansmen wanted them to leave Omaha. And that’s what they did. They moved to Milwaukee and finally to Lansing/Michigan.
Their Life in Lansing wasn’t easier than in Omaha or Milwaukee. Independent from that he has been put in to school with the age of five. After Earl got new death threats from the Black Legion their home was burned down to ground from “white” Black Legion members. So the Little family moved two Miles away from Lansing into a four room home and two years later his father was murdered, thrown under a streetcar with a damaged head. Soon the pressure of the welfare and the youth welfare visits, the eight children, the less money was more than Louise Little was able to handle. So she was soon succumbed to a mental breakdown and was declared legally insane in December 1938. She was committed to go in a mental hospital. Malcolm and his siblings were split up and sent to foster-parents. First he came to a family named Gohanna, after that Malcolm was sent to a detention home in Mason, Michigan due to his bad behaviour in school. As the first child of the detention home Malcolm went to Mason Junior High School. He was the only black child in his class, they others liked him and he was on of the persons who had the best marks. Then he left the detention home and came to other foster parents. During his time in Junior High he had contact with his half-sister Ella. A racial conflict concerning Malcolm’s future prospects with his English teacher made him loose the interest for school and he soon moved from home in the age of 15 and settled to Boston for living by his half-sisters. There his career as a criminal began. Here he made friends with Shorty. Malcolm had different jobs for example as a shoe cleaner .He also was with a white girl named Sophia which was married and he himself was related with a girl named Laura. Malcolm moved to Harlem New York with Shorty. He tried to be a musician and Malcolm began to deal with drugs, he was a burglar and he had to do with illegal lotto and he took cocaine. He had a lot of Stress with a Man named Archie because of money. So he moved back to Boston. In 1946 he was arrested for eight to ten years because of burglary. He was sent to the state prison of Charleston. His behaviour was very bad due to this he became the nickname “Satan“. After Charleston he was sent to Concorde and finally to Norfolk prison. Malcolm was visited by his Brother Reginald which became a member of the Nation of Islam. Reginald told him much about the Nation of Islam during his time in prison. Some other in prison was members too. So Malcolm became interested and began to study the teachings of NOI leader Elijah Muhammad and earned a lot of knowledge about the NOI which hated white people and wanted to be an independent black community. 1949 Malcolm became member of NOI. He wrote also letters to Elijah Muhammad. By the time he was paroled in 1952 he decided to replace his surname “Little” by “X”. The X is a symbol for unknown roots and names of his African ancestors. Since there he began to engage at Nation of Islam. His rhetoric skills made him an important spokesman. Malcolm X fascinated the crowd in a radical way .He was really a powerful speaker and thinker. Even Elijah Muhammad liked this quality of Malcolm. The white men were afraid of his influence. With Malcolm, Elijah established new mosques for example in Detroit he became a good friend of him. The Nation of Islam was the place where X met Betty Saunders he married her in 1958. In summary they had 4 children. But he had not much time for his family he worked every day and sometimes night, too. He was so busy and so in his element that nothing can change his thoughts about the Nation of Islam and their leader Elijah. He heard rumours about him that he is cheating his wife (very bad fact for Black Muslims) and that the women which Elijah had affairs with secretaries who got children from him. Malcolm did not believe that his holy leader would do something like this.
Malcolm used every imaginable opportunity to communicate the Nation of Islam’s message around the United States. So he won a couple of new members, for your better imagination the number of NOI rose from 500 in 1952 up to 30,000 members in 1963. Malcolm became very popular and all eyes were on him. In 1963 Malcolm X was the first national minister Elijah established he was leader of temple number seven in New York. The problem Malcolm had was that the most important topic for them was religion but for him civil rights movement and politics were also important. He could not hide his priorities. Within NOI he earned a lot of criticism for this way of thinking. The leader Elijah Muhammad was afraid of Malcolm’s influence, he was afraid of loosing his status in the NOI. Other members of NOI were also jealous of Malcolm because he got the most attention of the media. All these facts let tensions get worse within the Nation. Malcolm knows nothing about it because he was so focused on his work that he had not thought about things like this. But they talked bad about him without letting him know. The longer Malcolm was member the more Malcolm believed the rumours about his leaders cheating and the kids. He asked the secretaries who the father of their children was. And three of them answered that these were Elijah’s. They told Malcolm about the fear of Muhammad. He talked with Muhammad about it and Elijah showed no sorry. He was very shocked about Muhammad’s reaction. Then Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 and Malcolm gave, without the will if Muhammad a comment about it. He said something like the judge god over the white people.
That was the reason Malcolm got 90 days isolation where he was not allowed to communicate with Muslims. So he visited his friend Clay later known as Muhammed Ali and he watched his fights due to be in the media is better than to be forgotten whether he was allowed to speak or not. In early 1964 he broke from the organisation. The family got death threats and their house in New York was firebombed by unknown people. Instead of attempting to combine religious and political organisations, he established a mosque for those who shared his religious beliefs and a Black nationalistic political organisation the Muslim Mosque Inc. and the Organization of Afro-American Unity, to participate in building a Black Nationalist movement in the United States.
From this time on he was more peaceful and he said “sorry” for all the bad he said about other African American Organisations and their leaders. With this organisations he wanted to do something against the under pressure of African Americans and the economic robbery.
After that he decided to do a religious pilgrimage to Mecca. During his trip it was like a new awakening for him. He talked with different cultures and different skin coloured people about thoughts and believes. Finally he registered that with man can also be his brothers because he liked the conversations with them. He changed his Name in El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz and he had a message for all cultures.
He came back to USA where a member of NOI came to him and told that the NOI wanted him to kill Shabazz with a bomb in his car. At this time El-Hajj had luck but his speech at Audubon Ballroom on February 21, 1965 ended as successfully for him. His family wanted to see him and they came to Audubon Ballroom. Here they had to watch the crucial assassination of their father and husband. Three gunmen fired on Malcolm and he died there. The three gunmen were supposed to be members of the NOI. At his funeral on February 27 in the year of 1965, 1500 supporters, friends and family said goodbye to Malcolm Little, Malcolm X or El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. He left his wife and four kids (two from four born few weeks after his dead)
