Bend ist like Beckham dringend Korrektur gesucht

Alles zum Abitur und zur Sekundarstufe I.
Tips for Exams (A-level/Year 10).
Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 20. Dez 2006 17:30
Wohnort: BERLIN

Bend ist like Beckham dringend Korrektur gesucht

Beitrag von lebaneseprince »

bitte um korrektur dankeschön

chapter five - summary

Task: write a summary of (chapter five an six)vom Buch!

In Chapter five jasminder´s sister Pinky was wondering why she was lying(lie?ich meine hier lügen)and told her parents that she was working at the HMV, she was wondering who she meets. In fact Jess was nobody meeting she just play football in the girls team.
Jesminder needs new sport boots but therefor she needs money , so she saked her mum but doens´t told her that she were buying sport boots.
If she come home she hide the bag with the boots but her sister was so curious that she rapped her the bag and gave it to their Mum.
Her Mum was wondered and shocked and said that she have to bring them back.
Back to the team , Jesminder can´t really run because her ankles hurt.Her trainer Joe came and asked her why she was limping. He looks very carefully at her ankles and jesminder was falling for him.
Ja ich glaube , dass versteht man nicht so ne hm ich meiner hier er kümmert sich so sorgsam um sie das sie erstens zum erten mal einem Jungen so näher gekommen ist und das sie langsam etwas für ihn emfindet)
