Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin

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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin

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what do you think about reading in original classical English-language masterpieces of literature to learn English?
Lately, I have started to read "Pride and Prejudice". Believe me or no I have never seen neither
movie nor I have read this book in my native language version. I found it always so boring!
But some weeks ago I changed my mind I found this book very interesting because of a lot of reasons - and I would like to know your opinions about the book, the characters, your opinions etc.
Presently I am in the chapter 23. of this book. Mr Collins proposed to Charlotte Lucas 3 days after proposing to Elisabeth Bennet. Charlotte Lucas accepted his proposal. Personally I felt disgusted that a clergyman had so few feelings, so short his feelings were, I mean.
I have still some time to finish this book - if you have any clues, ideas, comments, please write them down in this plot freely:)
I am very anxious about what contemporary people all over the world think about Jane Austin's books, times - are they really SOOOOOO different and distant as 200 years ago or no?
besides, you prefer to read such masterpieces in original version or in your mother-language? is it translated well into German? Any comparisons?
Nice day,

Topic Talker
Beiträge: 57
Registriert: 26. Aug 2005 19:18

Beitrag von Instep »

I love this novel, as do a lot of people all over the world. I'd always prefer to read books in the original language, but some translations are really good - depending on the translator. A lot of things are not to be easily understood by us, anyway, because we are lacking the contemporary knowledge (social interaction etc.)

Charlotte Lucas shows some of the real problems of the times, especially for women. Whereas Elisabeth takes the risk of waiting for a loving (fairy tale?) relationship, Charlotte simply shows the need to be married as a means to be able to live some kind of decent life.

As for learning from the classics - whyever not?? As long as you are able to understand it and are aware of the fact that some words may be old fashioned (or completely dead ^^), there should be no problem.


Thanks for answering my post:)

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Yes - reading such a masterpiece in original takes a lot of energy out of me at least but still I think it can be highly recommended for more advanced users of English.
as deals me - while I am discussing wildly this book on typically Jane Austin's forums I try to gather informations and opinions about it all over the world. Of course I am thinking about people who read this book.
Presently I am at the chapter 29. Age of Elisabeth is still a mystery to me though I was reminded elswhere that Bingley was 22 and Mr Collins -25. Soon Elisabeth will say that she is 21 and Darcy in last chapter will reveal that he is 28.
Ok. so these pieces of news make easier to me to understand why Elisabeth had laught out at first Darcy's rude remarks on her instead of ...I don't know...maybe telling to him straightly that after all she is still too young to be...deaf as he would wish it, probably.
Of course, I think, that surely simplified versions of the book also exist but what I like in it the most are these all "sweet" adjectives Jane Austin LOVES to use like: agreeable, amiable, civil, tolerant, elegant, handsome, intelligent.
This book is quite good study of different personalities.
I must say I am very unhappy now I haven't seen the latest movie yet. Somehow this book has always seemed to me sooooooo boring. Nothing but possibilities of marriages, speculations of them and official dinners.
So guess how boring my life has always become that I have started to read "Pride and prejudice" book!
Never better still.



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look there to find out more about Jane Austin's ALL books:)

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 24. Apr 2006 15:28
Muttersprache: Deutsch
Wohnort: Köln

Beitrag von Zaubermaus »

I read this novel too but the German one. I love it. The description of the people, the special description of normaly things...wonderful. I loved the story and the way Jane Austen wrote it. After I read the book, I watched the movie. I couldn't really like it. I think the book is so much better than the movie. I've two other books from Jane Austen I hope i will find some time to read theme.

Topic Talker
Beiträge: 57
Registriert: 26. Aug 2005 19:18

Beitrag von Instep »

Did you watch the latest movie with Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen ? I rather enjoyed it. Although it sometimes strays from the book, I think it catches the mood quite accurately. There is also a much acclaimed TV-Version with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle (1995), which you might enjoy more, because it is very close to the novel. There is also a Bollywood version (who would have thought ^_^) called 'Bride and Prejudice' (German title: 'Lebe Lieber Indisch' - I don't know what they are thinking), which is obviously a little further away from the source, but which I find rather nice (and funny).



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truly speaking I have never been interested in books like "Pride and Prejudice". I simply had some more free time last days and decided to FORCE myself to read it. And I found this book quite intersting, indeed. I regret very much I have NEVER seen any P&P movies. The last version isn't on in the cinemas any longer probably (bad luck!) but in free time I will try to watch DVD-version.
In teh meantime, however, I found some pictures from the movie and even put them together to see the difference between let's say - first and second vesrion of Elisabeth Bennet specially.
I think the last is much better but the first seems to be more...realistic (taking into account the action was held 200 years ago). But truly speaking till now I have really managed to love bit crazy - probably - Bennet family , their five daugters - each different - with annual income of 2000 pounds.
Here my version of blog:
I hope to finish the book as soon as possible in spite of my limited time. Very interesting, indeed:)
Are others as good as this one?:)

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 9. Apr 2006 13:27
Muttersprache: german
Wohnort: dublin

Beitrag von leni »

i had to read the book in school and i liked it too.
most of the other girls did not like it but i just loved this well-described charachters.
i saw the new movie after reading the book and l found it quite good.
probably becouse i like kneira knightley so much.
but much better is the BBC version!
the film is very, very similar to the book and just fantastic.
ok, it is actually very long (almost 8 hours) but grand.
unfortunataly i have know idee if you can get this movie in germany.
cee yeah


hi leni:)

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I didn't have to read THIS book at school and now, after a couple of days of break, I am trying TO FORCE myself to read this fairy tale again. At the mere thought how wise was Elisabeth Bennet at the age of 21 I am all dead probably. Yes - she didn't live in times where feminists changed the world once and forever. But even more sick I am at the thought how much Darcy was in love in his 28. He was as wise as Elisabeth. Is this book probably at all? Such things can happen for sure but hmmm... to sum up - oh my God - how to force myself to finish reading this masterpiece of literature.
PS. I haven't seen any P&P movie. Watching this movie I would thought too much about Robin Hood movie probably. Who is wise and who is stupid in this world?
