Korrektur bitte

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Registriert: 30. Jan 2006 13:02

Korrektur bitte

Beitrag von RebSal »

Hallo Zusammen,

Könnte hier vielleicht jemand mal drüber lesen, ob ihr Fehler seht, bzw welche ihr seht, weil da bestimmt Fehler sein werden :lol: Ich bin furchtbar schlecht in Englisch (dabei war ich es früher nicht). Ihr würdet mir damit einen großen Gefallen tun!

(i) Gareth Williams is a good and ambitious pupil. He doesn´t yet know what he want´s, but he will certainly win a place at a very good university.
(ii) It´s his way of rebelling. He knows that his mother doesn´t want him to grow a beard.
(iii) Christine has long legs, long fair hair and she laughts a great deal. She has no brothers or sisters.
(iv) Christine has an understanding with her parents, wich Gareth en-vies.
(v) They spend long hours together in coffee bars, at discotheques or walking in the parks. Also they discuss many things.
(vi) Gareht can talk to Christine´s parnets so much better than to his own because Christine´s Parents are school teachers and his own parents have an education gap.
(vii) She says that he should take his parents as they are.

2) Hier ging es darum die richtige formulierung der Zukunft zu finden:

(i) I intend to take a holiday when I am going to finish this course.
(ii) The only train to Dorchester leaves at 2.15.
(iii) As soon as John is better, he is looking for a job.
(iv) I am going to be a lawyer when I grow up.
(v) We have found a new flat. We are going to move at the end of the month.
(vi) I am certainly going to let you know as soon as possible.

3) The gerund:

(i) Do you enjoy walking in the rain?
(ii) The children soon got tired of sitting still and listen
(iii) They won´t prevent me going to Africa.
(iv) What´s the use of going to university.
(v) Would you mind closing the door?
(vi) Susan is looking forward to earning money.

4) Prepositions:

(i) My daughter has won a place at London University.
(ii) Her father´s flat is __ one ___ the most elegant parts ___ London.
(iii) My brother spends hours at home alone in his room.
(iv) Why won´t you talk over your work to him?
(v) My friend is a salesgirl for the food department in a big store.
(vi) He thinks one should leave a job in wich one feels no sympathy.
(vii) We are going to holiday at the end of the month.
(viii) Why did you laugh at him?
(ix) I am waiting for a letter from/by_ my parents.
(x) I have been told to my doctor to take long walks in the park.

(i) Gareth should take them as they are. It would surely better when he could talk to them about his work and politics, but he can´t change this situation. This have to do his parents.
(ii) Christine seems to be nice. She gives Gareth advices and has an understanding with his parents.
(iii) It depence from the situation! The main aspect is that the ineresst should be the same. But when I have to choice, I would say the dif-ferences in age are less important than the differences in educa-tion. But in families aren´t education or age more important.

Ich weiß, das sieht im ersten Moment so viel aus, als würde ich meine Hausaufgaben auf euch abwälzen wollen, nur wenn ich es so abgebe, wird es eine schlechte Note, und egal wieviel Mühe ich mir gebe, es wird nicht anders...

Lieben Gruss, Rebecca

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 30. Jan 2006 13:02

Beitrag von RebSal »

Hallo, will mir denn niemand helfen? Biiiiitte :roll:

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 30. Jan 2006 13:02

Beitrag von RebSal »

Ihr müsst mir ja garnicht die Lösungen verraten, nur die Fehler, die ich gemacht habe unterstreichen oder so... wenigstns ein paar... die euch so spontan auffallen...

Topic Talker
Beiträge: 70
Registriert: 4. Feb 2006 20:03
Muttersprache: deutsch
Wohnort: Dortmund

Beitrag von Froop »

nr. eins hab ich mal drüber geguckt:
(i) Gareth Williams is a good and ambitious pupil. He doesn´t yet know what he wants to do later on, but he will certainly be accepted for a study at a very good university.

(ii) It´s his way of rebelling. He knows that his mother doesn´t want him to grow a beard.

(iii) Christine has long legs, long fair hair and she laughs a great deal (kenn ich nich!). She has no brothers or sisters.

(iv) Christine has an understanding (good relationship?) with her parents, wich Gareth envies.

(v) They spend long hours together in coffee bars, at discotheques or walking in the parks. They also discuss many things.

(vi) Gareth can talk to Christine´s parents so much better than to his own because Christine´s parents are school teachers and his own parents have an education gap.

(vii) She says that he should take his parents as they are.

noch ein paar die mir aufgefallen sind:

(iii) As soon as John is better, he will be looking for a job.
(iv) I am going to be a lawyer when I'm grown up.
(vi) Susan is looking forward to earn money.

Her father´s flat is in one of the most elegant parts of London.
(iv) Why won´t you talk about your work with him?
We are going on holiday at the end of the month.
(ix) I am waiting for a letter from my parents.
(x) I have been told by my doctor to take long walks in the park.

(i) Gareth should take them as they are. It would surely be better if he could talk to them about his work and policy, but he can´t change this situation. This has to do with his parents.
(ii) Christine seems to be nice. She gives Gareth advice and has a good relationship to his parents.
(iii) It depends on the situation! The main aspect is that the interest should be the same. But when I have to choose, I would say the differences in age are less important than the differences in education. But in families are education or age not more important.
