Kurzer Text korrigieren

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Kurzer Text korrigieren

Beitrag von Timion »

Hallo zusammen,

mag jemand von euch meinen Text angucken und korrigieren?
Die Aufgabe bestand darin einen Autoren zu beschreiben, warum sein Werk interessant ist.

Vielen Dank und euch noch frohe Ostertage:)

In the following writing assignment I want to introduce my favorite non-fictional author.
His name is Daniel Kahneman. As a psychologist and economist he is doing some research on decision making and behavioral economics. Furthermore he is a professor emeritus of psychology at the Princeton University. In 1979, he and colleague Tversky developed the prospect theory and criticized the “homo oeconomicus”. The term “homo oeconomicus” describe the behavior for each individual, which handle rational and attempts to maximize the utility. Kahneman and Tversky conducted some experiments to refute the economic theory.

After 30 years, they were awarded for the “Nobel Memorial Prize” in the economic sciences. In 2011, Kahneman published a book with the name “Schnelles Denken, Langsames Denken”, which summarizes his research. Kahneman explained that the decisions of us are not rational. It’s more emotional. His book and his research area are very interesting because we can learn more about ourselves.

English Legend
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Registriert: 30. Jul 2008 11:20
Muttersprache: Deutsch
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Re: Kurzer Text korrigieren

Beitrag von Keswick »

Da es sich hier um ein Crossposting handelt (d.h. der selbe Beitrag in verschiedenen Foren), und dies gegen die hiesigen Forenregeln verstoesst, werde ich dieses Thema schliessen. 
Bitte keine Korrektur- / Erklärungsanfragen per PN.
British English (BE) Sprecher.
