Ach du meine güte ... !!!!

Alles was zum Lernen gehört.
How to learn effectively.
Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 26. Mai 2004 21:11

Ach du meine güte ... !!!!

Beitrag von Win2k »

Morgen habe ich meinen mündlichen Quali in Englisch. Gestern stürtze mir der Computer ab und alles war verloren. Ich habe das jetzt wieder zusammengeschrieben und will wissen, ob des so passt!
Danke schonmal! :)

Million people in Germany take drugs, drink alcohol and smoke. But the cigarette is often used as entrance drugs, which applies at the beginning still as “Cool” and harmlessly. At the time the teenager have a great feeling in kind of mania. When you feel the sign of a addicated to drugs, you better stop immediatly smoking. This applies however not only to the drug consouption, but also to alcohol and tabacco of each kind. It one does not act shutdown fast from this time and one let its “Coolness” seems, it can become very soon “Uncool.” Cigaretts are not only a risk to your health, also a big problem to your purse. But those are not the only problems. At the beginning your mind is open for other drugs. Afterwards smoking and the alcohol get normal and you want to try some new. That can be Marihuana, LSD, Ecstasy and other things. These drugs are very hard and the consumption also constandtly rise. It will be a devil circle and its very hard to get clean.

danke nochmals!
mfg win2k



Beitrag von Gast »


hast Glück, dass ich nochmal das Forum gecheckt habe...Ferien :wink:

Dein Text ist soweit gelungen - ein paar kleine Fehler sind drin, vor allem der Satzbau stimmt nicht immer.

At the time the teenager have a great feeling in kind of mania. When you feel the sign of a addicated to drugs, you better stop immediatly smoking.

At that time teenagers have.....

When you feel the sign of being addicted to drugs, you better stop smoking immediately.

This applies however not only to the drug consouption,

However, this doesn't apply to the drug consumption...

It one does not act shutdown fast from this time and one let its “Coolness” seems

It doesn't act as fast as shutdown from this time and one lets seem its...

Cigaretts are not only a risk to your health, also a big problem to your purse

....your health, they also costs you a lot of (oder: much) money.

At the beginning your mind is open for other drugs.

Here your mind is already open for other drugs.
At this time...

Vergleiche deine Sätze mit den meinen (Plural, Satzbau, Wortwahl).
Ich wünsche dir alles Gute für deine Quali :wink:

CU Ulrike

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 26. Mai 2004 21:11

Beitrag von Win2k »

danke danke! wurde ne 3!



Beitrag von Gast »

Hi Win2k,

bitte, bitte :)

Wie gesagt, normalerweise bin ich um diese Uhrzeit nicht mehr online... :wink:

Jetzt hast du es ja gut überstanden.

CU Ulrike
