Lernen via Skype und BEM (Improve listening, (free)speaking)

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Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 4. Mär 2014 16:32
Muttersprache: deutsch

Lernen via Skype und BEM (Improve listening, (free)speaking)

Beitrag von feelgood »

Hello together, :D

i start in the same way. My name is Marten. I have been living in Germany since 26 years. My actually hometown is Lübeck.
I have a new challenge that i am facing at the moment. My desire was it to visit the school again and educating myself. Now its done, 3 years of Business-School are waiting for me. The root of the Problem? My English! (Text should be an evidence) To ensure that i am reaching my goal and does not falling by the wayside, it is absolutly necessary to improving my English-Skills :read:. Understandably i have to leave the old trails for this plan. :angel:

Learning English, i guess, is like learning to ride a bicycle. It requires constant training and doing to keep abreast, otherwise i will bite the dust. I want to be capable of speaking very well without even thinking about using the right vocabulary.
Now it is time to move in for the right kill, stop to chicken out and start applying by start talking. :freu:For this reason im looking for a Skype-Mate.

I have been using the Business-English-Magazine (BEM) to improve my English. Translating the text, learning substantial sum of vocabulary and try to talk with myself. by all this things i still have the feeling of stucking.

My Idea. We will talk about actually topics, leisure time and personally stuff. What do you thinking about this? Do you want the same? So let's put together. We also can train German if you want. Win-Win-Situation.

Best regards Marten

(Do i have the opportunatie to let check my texts for spelling? And how can i help you maybe in this forum.

PS: I worked out a 3 site plan to learn on a fast and good way. Join the group of learning beginners.

For interest you can write me a privat message. Would be happy about it. :prost:

Lingo Whiz
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Re: Lernen via Skype und BEM (Improve listening, (free)speak

Beitrag von tiorthan »

feelgood hat geschrieben:Hello everyone, :D

i start in the same way1. My name is Marten. I have been living in Germany for2 26 years. My actual3 hometown is Lübeck.
I have a new challenge that I4 am facing at the moment. My desire was it5 to visit the6 school again and educate7 myself. Now its done, 3 years of business school8 are waiting for me. The root of the Problem? My English!9(Text should be an10 evidence) To ensure that I am going to reach my goal and do not fall11 by the wayside, it is absolutly necessary to improve my English skills12 :read:. Understandably, I have to leave the old trails for this plan. :angel:

Learning English, I guess, is like learning to ride a bicycle. It requires constant training and doing to keep abreast13, otherwise I will fall14. I want to be capable of speaking very well without even thinking about using the right vocabulary.
Now it is time to move in for the right kill, stop to chicken out and start applying by start talking.15 :freu:For this reason I'm looking for a Skype mate16.

I have been using the Business-English-Magazine (BEM) to improve my English translating the text, learning a substantial amount of vocabulary and trying to talk with myself. by all this things i still have the feeling of stucking.17

My Idea. We will talk about news18 topics, leisure time and personal19 stuff. What do you think about this? Do you want the same? So let's get together. We can also20 train German if you want. Win-win situation.21

Best regards Marten

(Can I have my texts checked for spelling? And how can I maybe help you maybe in this forum.

PS: I worked out a 3 site plan to learn on a fast and good way. Join the group of learning beginners.22

If you are interested you can write me a privat message. I would be happy about it. :prost:

1 - Das ergibt keinen Sinn, was meinst du damit?

2 - Since 1988 but for 26 years.

3 - Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, was du hier sagen wolltest. "Actually" kann man dort jedenfalls nicht verwenden, das Adjektiv "actual" klingt aber eher seltsam für mich, denn du hast ja keinen anderen Ort angegeben.

4 - Das Wort "I" wird immer groß geschrieben.

5 - Dieses lustige "es" was wir im Deutschen einsetzen, wenn ein Verb ein Objekt verlangt, aber stattdessen ein Infinitiv mit zu folgt, gibt es im Englischen nicht.

6 - "the school" ist ein ganz bestimmtes Schulgebäude. Hier gehört die Schule aber als Konzept hin, und Konzepte haben keinen Artikel im Englischen.

7 - Das "to" von weiter vorn wirkt hier immer noch. Nach "to" kommt aber ein regulärer Infinitiv und keine ing-Form.

8 - Da es sich nicht um einen Namen handelt wird hier klein geschrieben. Außerdem schreibt man im Englischen so viel wie möglich ohne Bindestrich. Der Bindestrich wird nur dann zur Hilfe genommen, wenn die Zusammensetzung ansonsten unklar wäre.

9 - Auch hier bin ich mir nicht sicher, was du sagen wolltest. Du hast ja noch kein Problem erwähnt, dessen Grund du erklären könntest.

10 - "Evidence" ist sowas wie "information", ein Wort das es nicht mit Artikel gibt.

11 - Das ist etwas schwieriger zu erklären, kurz gesagt, hier musste eine Form mit Zukunftsbedeutung "going to" hin und der zweite Teil des Satzes musste grammatikalisch dazu passen. Außerdem muss die Negation immer ein Hilfsverb haben.

12 - Während die Namen von Ländern, Nationalitäten und Sprachen immer groß geschrieben werden gilt das nicht für die übrigen Wörter in einer Zusammensetzung (und auch hier wieder ohne Bindestrich).

13 - Unverständlich

14 - Hopefully you don't "bite the dust" because that means "to die".

15 - Das verstehe ich nicht.

16 - Genau wie bei den Sprachen, Skype ist ein Name, daher groß, aber der Rest kommt ohne Bindestrich und klein geschrieben.

17 - Mir ist nicht klar, was du hier sagen wolltest.

18 - Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es das war, was du ausdrücken wolltest, aber weder "actually" noch "actual" passen hier.

19 - Wörter die auf -ly enden sind meist Adverbien. Adverbien können nicht vor Substantiven oder Pronomen stehen. Es gibt wenige Ausnahmen wie "friendly" wo ein Adjektiv auch mal auf -ly endet.

20 - Generell (bis auf wenige Ausnahmen) gilt, wenn ein Hilfsverb in einem Satz steht, dann stehen die Adverben hinter dem Hilfsverb und vor dem Kern des Prädikats.

21 - Hier gibt es eine Situation, in der der Bindestrich tatsächlich benutzt werden kann (nicht zwingend) denn "win-win" gehört in dieser Zusammensetzung zusammen und nicht etwa "win win-situation". Klein geschrieben wird allerdings trotzdem. Lediglich das erste Wort ist groß, weil es am Satzanfang steht.

22 - Nicht sicher, was du hier sagen willst, das Wort "site" ist mit ziemlicher Wahrscheinlichkeit falsch, aber was meinst du da?

Some quick notes and thoughts. Your goal, if I understand you correctly, is to be able to speak freely and maybe even fluently. If so, the way you're going about it is not wrong but certainly the more painful and also less effective one.

If you try to learn to ride a bike, you don't learn the physics of bicycles first, you just get rolling. But when you try to learn to understand a foreign language you first have to learn grammar and vocabulary?

Hell, no! You say you "translate" texts to get better in English, and while that may improve your ability to translate single words or maybe sometimes phrases, the truth about it is that it does not help you understand the language because after you've translated the words your brain tries to assemble the meaning of the sentence of the translation and not the meaning of the original.

You talk with yourself, that's actually a good idea. Keep at it.
You want to talk with people on Skype. Also a good idea.
As for reading texts, it's not a bad idea, but don't try to translate, try to understand ... well, in the beginning, try to guess. If you're really stuck on something, look it up later. Also, most words are best learned a part of a phrase. Learning single words can be a good idea for nouns and adjectives, but other parts of speech don't usually make sense on their own. Learning the meaning (not the literal translation) of a phrase also helps you with grammar. After a while you will find patterns (humans are incredibly good at that) and you'll find you'll be able to replace words from the phrases you learned to form new meanings.

Also. the human brain is incredibly lazy. Instead of learning something new it tries to match it with things you already know. To overcome that lazyness your brain needs to be engaged. The best way to go about it is to find something that you are interested in. If you're really interested in finances and stuff, BEM is the way to go. If you have something you're more interested in (even if it is something stupid or childish) go for it.
You're never too old to learn something stupid.
MistakeSuggestionYou sure that's right?

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 4. Mär 2014 16:32
Muttersprache: deutsch

Re: Lernen via Skype und BEM (Improve listening, (free)speak

Beitrag von feelgood »


first I would like to say thank you very much, that you have checked my text. It means a lot to me. I try to work through your points as good as possible. After this I will going to (correct?) - ;-) - write down your suggestion of improvements. Furthermore I'd like to apologiese my follow spelling mistakes.

1. Sollte sowas bedeuten wie: "Ich starte mal wie jeder". Meine Name ist, ich komme aus, ich bin so und so alt und so weiter.

2. since and for, I will (going?) to check the rules for it

3. Seems like I misunderstood the word actulally (I tought it means "aktuell".

4. I will go for it (Or how you say: "Ich werde es umsetzen"?

5. Doesnt matter if German or English grammar, it is all Greek to me. I already start learning the grammar. Have a loooooot to do.

6. I guess i can see what you mean.

7. Like i said. Have to learn grammar to understand what you are talking about :) I will do my best.

8. I got it.

9. I just tryed to use my new phrases and vocabulary to etch it in my mined.

10. I know this "evidence" from "Gerichtsserien" means something like "Beweiß".

11. Habe ja gleich versucht das umzusetzen. Mit Erfolg?

12. Ok

13. "To keeping abreast of..." - "auf dem Laufendem bleiben" wollte ich mit einbauen.

14. I know :D. I just get to know(n) finally the meaning of "Another One Bites the Dusk" von Queen.

15. "To move in for the kill" is a selling phrase. When (If) you have to overcome objections in the right moment for making the finale deal. Auf deutsch wurde das in der Zeitschrift übersetzt mit "Zum entscheidenden Schlag ausholen". "Stop chicken out" sollte bedeuten "aufhören den Schwanz einzuziehen.

16. Ok.

17. "Bei all diesen Dingen habe ich immer noch das Gefühl auf der Stelle zu treten/hängen zu bleiben/zu stagnieren".

18. Sollte aktuelle Nachrichten heißen.

19. Ok.

20. Ok.

21. Ok.

22. Das ich 3 Seiten Skript ausgearbeitet habe.

Thanks again for your time, statements and tips. I guess I explained not that good and exact. These are my English learning steps in a short way.

1. Listening news, stories, radio and movies in English.

2. Business English Magazine provides the opportunaty to listening the texts too. Means that first I listen two times and try to understand as much as possible and write everything down. Next step is reading (it - weg damit ;) ) loud to myself -word for word- and write down everythingle phrase and vocabulary which I don't know. Furthermore I learn all, free speak to myself and listening the text again and again and again. To finish I write out questions and try to answer these one by free speaking again.

3. For learning the writing skills I used to be writing little stories with the new vocabulary.

"The best way to go about it is to find something that you are interested in. If you're really interested in finances and stuff, BEM is the way to go. If you have something you're more interested in (even if it is something stupid or childish) go for it."

You are damn right. Not alone in English. At the moment the only thing that I am interested in is reading, listening and understanding every single article in the BEM and other books. 6 month left for first exam. Means i have a looot to do.
