Hilfe für Englisch Text

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How to deal with English grammar.
Bilingual Newbie
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Registriert: 13. Mai 2004 16:44

Hilfe für Englisch Text

Beitrag von smile7 »

Hi Leute. :)

Könnte sich das folgende mal jmd. angucken und eventuell korrigieren? Büddä. :)


1. The president plan to send military aid to Central America, that is the issue the Senate is voting on.

2. Another issues are the political corruption, extreme poverty and the high unemployment.

3. He liked to present himself as a popular, friendly politician, able to communicate with his nation's youth. The Senator was tall and good-looking.

4. The first industrialist is Lloyd Maunders. He built vehicle and machine party and employed several thousand people in his state. Maunders had also been a major financial supporter for his compaign.
The second industrialist is Carl Peterson. The Petersons were large employers, not the largest, but certainly powerful enough to make employment figures a politicial issue.
The third industrialist is Warren Michell. He must be eighty. he was involved in the weapons industry.
Maunders is involved in vehicle party.
Peterson is involved in machine parts.
Mitchel is involved in military equipment.

5. The author has choosen an open ending for his short story, because the people should thought of the senator`s answer, which he had given to the young student earlier that morning.
"It`s important to look at all aspects of an issue very carefully before you make a decision."

6. Senator Young will vote, because he searchs a solution for the real issues.


Danke, im voraus. :)

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Re: Hilfe für Englisch Text

Beitrag von George »

Hi smile7,
ich weiß zwar nicht genau, wozu dieser Text ist, vermute aber, dass du vielleicht dazu Bilder zeigen willst. Bei issues und den Fragezeichen bin ich mir nicht sicher, da ich dazu den Inhalt nicht kenne.

1. The president plans to send military aid to Central America, that is the issue the Senate is voting on.

2. Other issues are the political corruption, extreme poverty and the high unemployment.

3. He liked to present himself as a popular, friendly politician, able to communicate with his nation's youth. The Senator was tall and good-looking.

4. The first industrialist is Lloyd Maunders. He built parts of vehicles and machines?? and employed several thousand people in his state. Maunders had also been a major financial supporter for his campaign??.
The second industrialist is Carl Peterson. The Petersons were large employers, not the largest, but certainly powerful enough to make employment figures a politicial issue.
The third industrialist is Warren Michell. He must be eighty, he was involved in the weapons industry.
Maunders is involved in a vehicle party???
Peterson is involved in machine parts.
Mitchel is involved in military equipment.

5. The author has chosen an open ending for his short story, because the people should think about the senator's answer, which he had given to the young student earlier that morning.
"It's important to look at all aspects of an issue very carefully before you make a decision."

6. Senator Young will vote, because he looks for a solution for the real issues.


Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 13. Mai 2004 16:44

Dankeschön. :)

Beitrag von smile7 »

Wir hatten einen Text und sollten dazu Fragen beantworten. :) Aber wenn ich den Text hier reinstellen sollte - dann würde ich mitn abtippen niemals fertig werden. :)

Wird schon richtig sein - ich vertraue dir. ;)

Dankeschöööööööööön :) Ist total lieb von dir, dass du dir das mal angeschaut hast. :)

