I "fear" of speaking english.

Let's speak English here.
Tongue Twister
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 31. Jan 2010 18:37
Muttersprache: Deutsch

I "fear" of speaking english.

Beitrag von Rikudo »

I fear it because I think my english doesn't sound good. Pronouncing and the german accent.

I have never spoken english in real life. For sure I've had english lessons at school but its not the same as speaking it in the real life because you know that you still learn and so, making mistakes is not so awful for you. But now I have finished school (I'm 19) and all the english lessons and I feel like I should have to speak it correctly, fluently. But whenever I speak english (with myself) it's not like speaking my native language, german. It takes long to frame complete sentences, sometimes I have to use a translator because of uncertainty of some words (same for writing).

How do I solve this problems? In a few weeks I wanted to talk to a girl (from us) who wanted to practice with me (over skype) and I'd like to talk to her like a normal human without sluttering.

I always thing people wouldn't understand me because I pronounce the words completely wrong.
Do you think I should just start talking? Or is there a software which can analyse my pronouncing?

Thanks in advance for every reply.

Lingo Whiz
Beiträge: 2815
Registriert: 13. Jun 2010 01:36
Muttersprache: de, (pl)

Re: I "fear" of speaking english.

Beitrag von tiorthan »

You think you should be able to speak English fluently once you leave school? How much English have you used in your life? Try to sum it up. If you haven't use English outside of school your total will be less than a year. You cannot become fluent in as little time as this. Fluency takes years.

How do you solve your problem? Easy fix: Stop thinking of it as a problem, because it isn't. You won't ever be fluent if you don't talk and you won't talk as long as you worry. The biggest mistake you can make is being affraid of mistakes.
Rikudo hat geschrieben:I fear it because I think my English[sub]1[/sub] doesn't sound good, because of my pronounciation[sub]3[/sub] and the German[sub]2[/sub] accent.

I have never spoken English in real life. For sure I've had English lessons in school but its not the same as speaking it in the real world[sub]4[/sub] because you know that you still learn and so, making mistakes is not so awful for you. But now I have finished school (I'm 19) and all the English lessons and I feel like I should be able to speak it correctly, fluently. But whenever I speak English (with myself) it's not like speaking my native language, German. It takes long to frame complete sentences, sometimes I have to use a translator because of uncertainty with[sub]5[/sub] some words (same for writing).

How do I solve this problem?[sub]6[/sub] In a few weeks I wanted to talk to a girl (from the US[sub]7[/sub]) who wanted to practice with me (over skype) and I'd like to talk to her like a normal human without stuttering.

I always think people can't[sub]8[/sub] understand me because I pronounce the words completely wrong.
Do you think I should just start talking? Or is there a software which can analyse my pronounciation?

Thanks in advance for every reply.
1 - Die Namen von Sprachen und Nationalitäten werden immer groß geschrieben.

2 - Das gilt auch, wenn der Name der Sprache ein Adjektiv ist, so wie in diesem Satz hier.

3 - Das hier war einfach kein Satz und ich musste ein wenig raten, was du hier meinst, daher bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob das "because" wirklich das ist, was du meintest. Was jedoch auf jeden Fall korrigiert werden musst ist pronounciation.

4 - "real life" könnte hier nicht mit einem Artikel stehen.

5 - Ich gehe davon aus, dass du unsicher bist welches Wort du verwenden sollst und dass du nicht die Mehrdeutigkeit einiger Wörter meintest.

6 - Entweder "this problem" (Singular) oder "these problems" (Plural).

7 - Vor US oder USA steht immer ein Artikel im Englischen. Außerdem werden Ländernamen und auch deren Abkürzungen ebenfalls immer groß geschrieben.

8 - "wouldn't" würde den Leuten eine Absicht unterstellen.
You're never too old to learn something stupid.
MistakeSuggestionYou sure that's right?

Tongue Twister
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 31. Jan 2010 18:37
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: I "fear" of speaking english.

Beitrag von Rikudo »

Wenn ich das so sehe... verdammt viele unnötige Fehler :/

Aber danke für die Antwort :o

Lingo Whiz
Beiträge: 2815
Registriert: 13. Jun 2010 01:36
Muttersprache: de, (pl)

Re: I "fear" of speaking english.

Beitrag von tiorthan »

Nun, man muss sich beim Erlernen einer Fremdsprache darauf einlassen, auch Fehler zu machen. Das heißt aber nicht, dass einem diese Fehler nicht auch peinlich sein dürfen. Im Gegenteil, je peinlicher einem ein Fehler ist um so unwahrscheinlicher ist es, dass man ihn wiederholt.
You're never too old to learn something stupid.
MistakeSuggestionYou sure that's right?
