Good morning!

Write something about yourself (who you are and where you come from).
Bilingual Newbie
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Registriert: 26. Apr 2011 12:13
Muttersprache: deutsch

Good morning!

Beitrag von Zarathustra »

Hi, guys!

My name is Alex and I'm 23 years old. I attend a vocational school (Berufsoberschule) where I can graduate with A-levels or "fachgebundene Hochschulreife". At the moment I'm in a class which prepares me for the level "B2" and the typical tasks of the "oberstufe". The most difficult subject is english. My speaking and writings skills are very bad and I'm looking for effective learning methods to improve my english skills. Moreover I want to communicate with other people in English. I know that it will be hard for me to achieve the level "B2". Unfortunately I have to make my level-A-exam in English together with the subjects mathematics, German and psychology. How I can improve my english succesfully? I make a lot of mistakes while I tried to speak english. :( And my writing skills are so poor. I want to express my thoughts in english, but I haven't enough words and expressions. Grammer is also a big problem. :(

Nevertheless, English is a great and wonderful language with a nice speech melody.

Frequent Typer
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Registriert: 29. Sep 2010 21:29
Muttersprache: deutsch

Re: Good morning!

Beitrag von kölscheklüngel »

Hello Zarathus,

if you write the text without any help, your English is quite well. You should write some topics in the forum and there are a lot of links you could improve your Grammar.

Best regards, kölscheklüngel

Anglo Master
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Registriert: 1. Okt 2009 14:25
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Good morning!

Beitrag von Duckduck »

kölscheklüngel hat geschrieben:Hello Zarathustra,

in case you wrote the text without any help, your English is quite good. You should write/post some texts/essays in the forum and there are also a lot of links to exercises which could help you to improve your grammar.

Best regards, kölscheklüngel
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Fehler / Stil/Ausdruck / Anmerkung

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 26. Apr 2011 12:13
Muttersprache: deutsch

Re: Good morning!

Beitrag von Zarathustra »

Hi, guys!

I've held a presentation in my class, which presented the basics in photography with a little photo shot at the end of the presentation. While I was holding my presentation I recognized my poor speaking skills. It was a very hard fight to find the correct words and terms, although my preparation was very fine. Unfortunately, I lost my self-confidence during the presentation, so I was making more mistakes :roll:. My presentation was divided into three parts Theory, practice and question from the students and the teacher. For the first part I used power-point slides to make clear what photography is. This part was okay and I was satisfied with my achievement. The next part was more difficult because I had to speak more spontaneously. I was explaining the feature of DSLR in detail, but many students looked bored and annoyed and so I thought what should I do to make my second part of my presentation more attractive for my classmates. I suggested a photo shot to bring more action in classroom. I admit that the photo shot was very good and quite funny, but a negative effect was that I lost my concentration.
After the photo shot my classmates and teacher asked me many questions concerning my presentation. Oh my god, I was so confused and I mixed English with German. My achievement in the last part was very bad. As my presentation ended, I was really depressed and I think my teacher was very disappointed.

I'll get my mark on Wednesday.
