Tipps für Texas?

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Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 24. Jul 2005 13:17
Wohnort: Texas

Tipps für Texas?

Beitrag von Kate »


Nächste Woche fahre(fliege) ich für ein Jahr nach Texas. Hat vielleicht irgendjemand Erfahrungen in Sachen Schüleraustausch? Ich hab schon sehr viel über Texaner gehört, z.B. das sie immer irgendwelche Redewendungen abkürzen wie z.b. you all: y'all. Kann mir einer mehr solcher Abkürzungen nennen? Oder einfach nur irgendwelche Tipps geben?



Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 19. Jul 2005 08:44
Wohnort: Amerika

Beitrag von etwascool »

Hey! i grew up in texas. which part are you going to, may i ask?
Yes, there are some words that are normal for me and strange to you; and ya'll is a perfect example of that (I say it all the time).

However, I do not believe it is the vocabulary that is going to give you the most trouble, it's the accent.

It is truely the lack of proper grammar and pronounciation of words that confuse foreigners. With that being said, it is highly likely that common words that you have learned and know will sound completely different, depending on which part of texas you go. *However, I have found that most youth do not speak with a very heavy texan accent, usually the adults do*

I'm from the southern part next to a beach and we used to say things like 'vamanos' - let's go, 'mamacita'- good looking lady, and 'amigo'- friend. This, of course, is comes from spanish. We also had alot of surfer slang like 'gnarley'- cool/awesome, 'stoked'- excited, and 'dude' as something you call someone else if you are being very informal, it may be offensive to adults but they are becoming accustomed to the term. You have probably heard this one!

There are plenty of slang websites on the web, but I just looked at a few and I would simply feel bad to tell you to try to memorize our slang, simply because most of the words on that site are not used by most of us.
It will not be as hard as you think, just have confidence. Texan is something that you need to hear, not read. But don't worry, in time your ear will adjust to it.

I wish you all the best, good luck! :big_thumb:


Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 24. Jul 2005 13:17
Wohnort: Texas

Beitrag von Kate »

Okay, ich glaub ich hab alles verstanden. :D
Ich werde in einer kleineren Stadt nördlich von Houston leben. Die Stadt heißt Tomball. Es haben schon viele gesagt, dass die Texaner einen starken Akzent haben. :wink: Aber das wird schon gehen.

Many thanks for your answer


Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 24. Jul 2005 13:17
Wohnort: Texas

Beitrag von Kate »

Hey, da hab ich noch was vergessen und zwar:

Könnte mir wohl jemand alltäglische Vokabeln "geben"?
(zum Thema High School)
Hab schon gegoogelt aber nichts richtiges gefunden.

Danke LG

