Sätze und Fragen im Past Progressive – Übung 1

Aufgaben-Nr. 4318

Setze die Verben in Klammern in die Lücken ein. Benutze das Past Progressive.

Achte darauf, ob du einen Aussagesatz oder einen Fragesatz bilden sollst.

Beispiel aufklappen


  she   home? (to walk)


Was she walking home?

  1. She the lunch basket. (to pack)
  2. I . (not/to whisper)
  3. he to help? (to try)
  4. The men at the street corner. (not/to fight)
  5. Frank the grass. (to cut)
  6. you during the last lesson? (to yawn)
  7. They stickers. (to swap)
  8. The guest the whole evening. (to dance)
  9. We in the tree house. (not/to hide)
  10. it dark? (to get)