Phrasal verbs – A – M

Phrasal verbs und Prepositional verbs im Englischen A – M

Phrasal verb Phrasal verb in einem Satz Deutsch
agree with I agree with him on that point. einer Meinung sein mit, zustimmen
back off* She was told to back off. zurückweichen
be in Are your parents in? da sein
be off* I'm off now. gehen
black out And then she just blacked out. in Ohmacht fallen
blow up The bomb might have blown up. explodieren
break away At last, the hostage could break away/free/loose from his captors. sich davonmachen, sich losreißen
break free
break loose
break down Finally her car broke down. liegen bleiben
break up Sue and Tim broke up last year. auseinandergehen, sich trennen
bring up (1) She was brought up in Wisconsin. (1) erziehen, großziehen;
(2) Why do you have to bring that up? (2) erwähnen
butt in* How can we talk when you keep butting in all the time? sich einmischen, unterbrechen
call off I had to call off the barbecue because of the bad weather. abblasen, absagen
calm down Please calm down. sich beruhigen
carry on Please carry on with your homework. fortfahren mit, weitermachen
check out I will check it out. nachprüfen, überprüfen
close down The shop was closed down by the police. schließen, zumachen
cut out* Cut it out! aufhören
do without I guess I will have to do without lunch today. entbehren, verzichten auf
drop in (on)* I can't believe who dropped in on us last night. auf einen Sprung hereinkommen, vorbeikommen
drop off You can drop me off at the next red light. absetzen
ease off The storm eased off a little. sich beruhigen, sich entspannen
end up How will this end up? enden
even out The surface of the road was evened out. glätten
fall through I hope the house signing doesn't fall through. ins Wasser fallen
figure out* I just can't figure her out. herausfinden, verstehen
fill in Would you fill in the form, please? ausfüllen
fill out Would you fill out the form, please? ausfüllen
focus (on) She focused on this issue. sich konzentrieren auf
get along with He couldn't get along with his mother-in-law. auskommen, zurechtkommen
get at* What exactly is he getting at? hinauswollen auf
get by (on) She can't get by on that much money. über die Runden kommen (mit)
get into He managed to get himself into the class he wanted. angenommen werden, genommen werden
get off on* He gets off on playing soccer. mögen
get on How are you getting on? vorankommen
get on with (1) I need to get on with my homework. (1) weitermachen mit
(2) How do you get on with Sam? (2) auskommen mit, sich verstehen mit
get out of You've got to get out of there. herauskommen aus
get up Today I got up at 10 am. aufstehen
give up Are you sure you want to give up your career? aufgeben
go through (1) The truck wouldn't go through the tunnel. (1) durchkommen
(2) He went through his pockets, looking for his wallet. (2) durchsehen, durchsuchen
(3) You won't believe what I've gone through. (3) durchmachen, durchstehen
(4) I guess we need to go through the whole song a few more times. (4) durchgehen, proben
hand out The teacher handed out the test to the surprised students. austeilen, verteilen
hang up Why did you hang up on me? auflegen
hit back He hit me, but I didn't hit him back. zurückschlagen
hold on Hold on a minute! I have to check this first. warten
hurry up Hurry up, will you? I got some errands to run today. sich beeilen
idle away Don't idle the whole day away. verbummeln, vertun
insist (on) He inisted on it. bestehen auf
invite over Let's invite them over for dinner. einladen
jump in(to) I just jumped into the pool and had a refreshing swim. reinspringen
keep at I need to keep at this. weitermachen mit
keep off Please keep off the lawn. nicht betreten
keep on (1) It's a little chilly in here, so I better keep my coat on. (1) anbehalten
(2) Just keep on practicing your scales by simply playing them up and down. (2) weitermachen
keep out (of) (1) Keep out of this and mind your own business. (1) heraushalten aus
(2) My door is closed. Keep out! (2) sich fernhalten von
knock off Knock it off! aufhören mit
lead up to (1) A narrow path leads up to his cabin. (1) hinführen zu
(2) She was just leading up to something when he interrupted. (2) hinauswollen auf
leak out I hope that news does not leak out. durchsickern
leave out (of) Leave me out of it, please. auslassen, weglassen
leave up to They left this decision up to me. überlassen
let down I won't let you down again. im Stich lassen
let in Don't let strangers in. hereinlassen
let on (about) I promised I wouldn't let on about her new job. verraten
let up The storm has let up. nachlassen
lie down I need to lie down and take a little nap. (sich) hinlegen
light up We lighted the house up with the headlights of our automobile. aufleuchten, erhellen
lighten up Hey, lighten up a little. Enjoy the day. locker werden
line up Everyone, please line up. in einer Reihe aufstellen
live up to That meal did not live up to my expectations. gerecht werden
look back (at/on) When I look back on him, I am amazed at all he has accomplished. zurückdenken, zurückschauen
look for I am looking for my watch. suchen
look in (on) I will look in on him from time to time. vorbeikommen, vorbeischauen
look out (for) Look out for that car! aufpassen
look up to She is glad they look up to her. bewundern
loom up An old cottage loomed up in the distance. auftauchen
loosen up Relax and loosen yourself up. lockerer werden
make out Can you make out what she is saying? entziffern, verstehen
make up (1) Did she make up the clowns yet? (1) zurechtmachen
(2) I made up that story. (2) ausdenken
(3) I'm sorry, but you can't make up that test you missed. (3) nachholen
(4) Class participation will make up 25% of your final grade. (4) ausmachen
(5) They kissed and made up. (5) wiedergutmachen
(6) Do you think I would make this up? (6) sich ausdenken, erfinden
march on Time marches on. weitergehen, weiterschreiten
mark down Pineapples are marked down again. den Preis herabsetzen
mark up Watermelons are marked up again. den Preis anheben
mess up* (1) He messed up his room. (1) in Unordnung bringen
(2) The dirty water messed my pants up. (2) schmutzig machen
(3) Losing my job really messed my life up. (3) durcheinanderbringen
move in(to) I moved into a new apartment last month. einziehen
move on (to) (1) The officer stopped for a minute, asked some questions, and then moved on. (1) sich in Bewegung setzen
(2) Alright, let's move on to our next point. (2) übergehen zu
move out (of) I moved out of my old apartment last month. ausziehen
move up (to) How long will it be before they can move her up? wechseln, versetzt werden

* wird in der Umgangssprache benutzt

Danke an Jennie, Josef und Kai.