Spelling in English – Exercise 2

Task No. 7221

Write the missing words into the gaps. The word in (brackets) tells you how many letters are missing (number of underscores).

Show example


There are seven   (cla_ _rooms) upstairs.


There are seven classrooms upstairs.

Do you need help?

Vocabulary Lists

  1. Do you like going to (b_ _ _ _day) parties?
  2. My grandmother had three sons and four (d_ _ _ _ters).
  3. He (apolo_ _ _ed) for being late.
  4. Tracy works in the computer (b_ _ _ _ess).
  5. I (u_ _ _lly) get up at 6 o'clock.
  6. Look! The (t_ _ _ _er) is writing on the board.
  7. Be careful! Skydiving is a (dan_ _ _ _ _s) hobby.
  8. William the (C_ _ _ _ _ _ _r) won the battle of Hastings.
  9. (A_ _ _ _bly) starts at 8 o'clock every morning.
  10. My friend found an (a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ship) as a car mechanic.