
Alles zum Abitur und zur Sekundarstufe I.
Tips for Exams (A-level/Year 10).
Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 23. Nov 2010 11:46
Muttersprache: Deutsch


Beitrag von Ruhrpottkind94 »


1. Introduction

I want to use our time to tell you something about pirates which had take a special part of our history. In my opinion they are very interesting because they risk their life for powerful costumer or for their own enrichment. I think that sounds pretty exciting and so I wanted to learn more about the myth of supposedly noble buccaneer and figure out the sometimes frightening reality.

2. General Facts
Since then, the first time people were sailing on oceans and seas, they were accompanied by pirates. To the crew of a pirate ship belonged:
-The captain
-The Quartermaster
-a Navigator
-a Gunner
-and a Petty Officer
So now the question is how was the life on a pirate ship? The life on a pirate ship was not easy.It was full of contracts: weeks of waiting for a prey- then a short and violent activity,when a foreign ship was attacked and looted. So they drank a lot of alkohol and it came to brawling.(brawls?)

In rough weather the crew was drenched in salt water, half frozen, and suffered from injuries and exhaustion in the night the persons which had no guard slept crowded into the lower decks.It was a dark world - Among them, swept the stinking bilge water and rats were at each place. During the day the tropical sun burned on the skin. If they were sick they had no drugs.

2.1. life

When the pirates reached a port, they squandered their share of the booty with gambling, drinking and women. They often frittered away thousands of "pieces-of-eight" in one night (in those days you could buy with 2 pieces of eight a cow!). So the Pirates lost within a few days, all they had difficulty, looted, risking their lives. By the way they had to do a large amount work on land before the sails could be set again. The ship had to be kept in good condition to be prepared for more raids.

2.2. food
The preservation of food was one of the main problems of the pirates.Beer was preferred to the water, which quickly became undrinkable.For long trips helped citrus fruits to prevent scurvy. Chickens on board the ships provided fresh eggs and meat. The main source of food were the sea turtles. These animals, though very nimble and agile in the water, on land were easy prey for the pirates.

3. pirats of today
Even today, there are pirates. But these are different from those we know from history books and novels, who lived just 300 years ago.While the former Pirates against the rich and powerful ships lined up, grab today's buccaneers only greed and money political groups of vessels and passenger ships.They threaten to murder the passengers on board when the money and jewelry not voluntarily moved out.The small boats and ships are usually unsuccessful, they can not defend themselves against the weapons of the "modern" pirates to fight back. Their methods are becoming more brazen and vicious. You can do almost nothing against them, because their trick is the surprise attack. They attack quickly, and as quickly as they came to pull away again and left no traces. In Southeast Asia and the Caribbean often super tankers and luxury yachts are being attacked. In Kuala Lumpur even daily reports will be issued Pirates.

4. Famous Pirates
• Anne Bonny : She was in the 17th Century disguised as a man and makes the Caribbean unsure.
• Black Beard: He came from England and sailed in the 17th and 18 Century with his ship Queen Anne's Revenge, the Caribbean.
• Klaus Störtebeker is the most famous German pirate. He lived in the 14th Century.
• Sir Francis Drake was in the 16th Century by the English Crown as a pirate on the road.
• Sir Henry Morgan in the 17th First century as a pirate, then he go as a pirate hunter.

5. Summary
Finaly its to summarize that pirats are exciting peoples. They looted und killed to get rich. If they won a fight and had money once they gave it back quickly from. Not very Smart , so they were equally poor again. Let's see, maybe the pirats of today are smarter.

Frequent Typer
Beiträge: 129
Registriert: 13. Sep 2010 19:38
Muttersprache: English

Re: Eurokom

Beitrag von choccy_hobnob »

Hallo Ruhrpottkind94!

Wolltest du uns nur ein paar Fakten zum Thema "Piraten" mitteilen, oder hast du gehofft, dass jemand hier deinen Text Korrektur liest?

Wenn letzteres, dann wäre es schon höflich, wenn du mal noch ein paar Worte dazu verlieren würdest ;)
Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen, wenn ihr mich auf alle Deutschfehler aufmerksam machen würdet!

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 23. Nov 2010 11:46
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Eurokom

Beitrag von Ruhrpottkind94 »

OH hatte ich, hatte ich tut mir leid. :(
Hatte ihn schonmal gepostert und erklärt warum.. wurde dann aber nicht genehmigt (gab Probleme mit dem Abschnitten..)
Hab ihn dann nochmal richtig gepostet, leider auch ohne Erklärung. :D Kann man das vielleicht nochmal irgendwie ändern?
Sonst schreib ichs hier nochmal.

Ich halte in 2 Wochen mein Eurokom - Vortrag . Alles schön und gut. Informationen hab ich genug ( muss ja nur 3 1/2 Minuten gehen) und ja auch schon alles übersetzt. Mein Problem: Ich bin nicht grad der hellste in Englisch.. Für ne 3 reichts immer, für mehr aber nicht. Die Note hat ja schon einen ordentlichen Einfluss auf die Endjahresnote in Englisch und da dieses Jahr mein letzes bevorsteht, will ich da ja natürlich eine gute Note. :freu:
Mir kann nur keiner dabei so richtig helfen. Meine Familie ist genauso wenig sprachbegabt wie ich und meine Freunde haben gerade selber mit ihrer eigenen Präsentation zu kämpfen. Deshalb such ich jetzt hier Hilfe. Würde mich also sehr über Verbesserungsvorschläge freuen :jo: , danke schonmal im Voraus, falls sich wirklich jemand die Mühe machen will. :P

Anglo Master
Beiträge: 3687
Registriert: 1. Okt 2009 14:25
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Eurokom

Beitrag von Duckduck »

Hallo Ruhrpottkind,

bevor ich mir die Arbeit mache - es ist ja wirklich eine ganze Menge - muss Dir klar sein, dass Du unsere korrigierte Version nicht löschen lassen kannst. Also wenn Du nicht willst, dass Deine Prüfer sie hier finden können, darfst Du uns nicht helfen lassen, OK?!
Antworte doch mal schnell, ja!?


EDIT: Aah, ich sehe gerade, schnell antworten kannst Du nicht, denn George muss Dein posting ja erst freigeben. Also warte ich noch eine Weile, OK, bis Du Dich dann meldest... :uppy:
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