Describing graphs

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Registriert: 24. Okt 2016 20:41
Muttersprache: deutsch

Describing graphs

Beitrag von bass3l »

ich schreibe am kommenden Freitag eine Klausur über o. g. Thema und würde mich freuen, wenn sich Jemand die Zeit nehmen würde, meine Beschreibung zu korrigieren.
Vielen Dank!
Es handelt sich um folgenden Graphen:

The chart shows a graph line of the incidence of X disease in Someland between the years 1965 and 1995.
In 1960 there were about 100 cases of X disease. Until 1965 the cases climbed up slightly and to 1970 they start to went up more quickly than before. The cases reached a peak of 500 in the following 5 years until 1975. This highest number of cases hold on until it starts to decreased in the years after 1980. In the next years the cases starts to fall down slightly to about 350 cases in 1985. The last period shows, that the cases hits rock bottm rapidly until 1990.
In condusion, the graph shows that the cases left Somland very quick after the highest number of cases between 1975 and 1980.
