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Registriert: 2. Nov 2013 16:54
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Brauche dringend Hilfe bei meiner Eurocom!

Beitrag von regiina »

Hallo ihr Lieben :)
ich habe in 3 Wochen meine Eurocom. Da ich in Englisch nicht wirklich begabt bin würde ich mich sehr darüber freuen wenn es sich jemand durchlesen könnte und mir Verbesserungsvorschläge hinterlassen könnte. :jo:
Mein ausgesuchtes Thema ist: Karate. Da ich schon seit 9 Jahren Karate mache und ich immer noch viel Spaß dran habe!:wink1:

1. General information about karate
- Karate is a martial arts
- Karate comes from Japan
- “Karate” means “empty hand”
- Gichin Funakoshi made Karate public and finished the execution.
- Karate consists of three parts:
- Kihon ( basic education):

o Understand the basis of karate

o Is trained in a group

o Sensei gives instructions


- Kata (it´s like a dance. There are different steps one after the other which you must to memorize)

o Every kata have another sequence of techniques

o A fight against a not existing enemy

o Different Katas in different Karate Stiles

o Important: learn to control your power , your breathing and your attitude

- Kumite (fight against an enemy):

o “Kumite” means “ joined hands”

o At first this fights ends with the death of a Karateka

o Now there are some rules: it´s strictly forbidden to hit someone, and there exist a point system. -> so it´s a martial arts

o You learn to have a good reaction and learn to handle with the distance

- There are four modes of karate:

o Gaju-Ryu

o Shito-Ryu

o Wado-Ryu

o Shotokan (it´s the most popular kind of karate, more distance -> in support of yourself)

2. 2. The history of Shotokan-Karate
- Is founded by Gichin Funakoshi

o He comes from Okinawa

o He teaches Karate in Japan

- Karate developed trough Okinawa-Te ( another martial arts)

o Chinese soldiers used Okinawa-Te

- Okinawa-Te became popular when arms get illegal in China

o Because Okinawa-Te was a martial art which use objects to fight which are must haves in everyday life

- Gichin Funakoshi revised all the techniques of Okinawa-Te and works a concept out.

o So there is no danker in the fight -> was to Karate

- Because in Japan several modes of karate developed Gichin Funakoshi name his kind of karate “Shotokan”

o The name of the house where Funakoshi gives training

-1905: Sensei Itosu taught as first Karate in a public school

-1916: Gichin Funakoshi showed as first Okinawa-Te in Japan

-1920: Okinawa-Te is called Karate

-1921: Gichin Funakoshi is invited to show Okinawa-Te in Tokyo

-1936: Funakoshi opened his own Shotokan-Dojo

-1937: His son Yoshitaka founded the JKA (Japan-Karate-Association)

-Yoshitaka Funakoshi developed the Shotokan-Style as it is today.

-After the second world war: Karate was popular in Hawaii, then in the USA and finally in Europe

3. 3. The rules

1. Karate begins with respect and ends with respect.

2. There is no first attack.

3. At first: realize yourself, then the other

4. The art of the ghost comes from the art of the technique

5. Learn to control your spirit and release it.

6. Disaster happened when you don´t pay attention.

7. Don´t think that Karate happened only in the Dojo.

8. Train Karate means to work for your whole life. There are no limits.

9. Connect your daily life with Karate, and then get your mental maturity.

10. Karate is like hot water which cools down when you don´t keep it always warm.

11. Imagine that your hand and you feet are swords.

12. The Kata must not be changed.

4. The equipment

The clothes:
- Karate-Gi

- Colored belt

- A chest protector (only for woman)

- A cup (only for men)

- Toe protection

- Gloves

The graduation (since the 19th century):

- Students -> Kyu

- Master -> Dan

- There are exams. When you pass them you get a higher grade.
