Könnt ihr mein Referat verbessern? (English-Hollywood)

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Registriert: 14. Jan 2012 12:09
Muttersprache: deutsch

Könnt ihr mein Referat verbessern? (English-Hollywood)

Beitrag von psychooo »

haalloo, ich bin neu hier und versteh das ganze hier noch nicht soo .. :shock:
ich muss am montag ein referat über hollywood halten. könnt ihr mal gucken ob der okay ist ?

My five minute talk is about Hollywood. Hollywood is in the west of California. It's one of 51 United States of America. The population is about 300.000 people. In Hollywood is the beginning of movie. In 1917 a director was making a movie in Chicago but the weather was so bad, he couldn’t finish his movie. Then he travelled to California and there the weather was better. So his companies built a movie studio in Hollywood other companies followed. David Horsley opened the first movie studio in the year 1911 and in 1912. Other producers like Samuel Goldfish, William Fox or Carl Lämmle made Hollywood to the movie capital. Hollywood Boulevard and Vinestreet were at that time the centre of Hollywood and so made American history. The next years were Hollywoods greatest years. There they made thousand of movies with lots of directors, actors and writers. Many famous movie stars lived in Hollywood. Hollywood have a "Walk of Fame". Visitors from all over the world can go down to it. There are over 2500 stars with names of famous people. Often there were new stars added from new famous people. The walk of fame is there since 1958.

das ist aber noch viel zu kurz. könnt ihr mir vielleicht sagen was ich noch dazu schreiben könnte ?
und ob die grammatik stimmt ?

danke.. ♥ :|
